FLUX 已經在台灣成立七年,全球已經服務超過 15000 位用戶。 擁有忠誠的創作者及打造數位工具的能力,以創作者角度開發最佳用戶體驗環境,協助教育、設計、建築、手創等產業完成自己的理念。
除了在 Design Market 享有豐富的雷雕資源外,FLUX 也整合線下資源,於全台多個據點提供雷射切割機的租借服務,並有專人介紹及教學,讓你毫無阻礙的將創意化為現實,輕鬆上手。
- 20% of the total item costs in your designated listing currency. Fee amount is converted to your payment account currency at the market rate where your listing and payment account currencies differ.
- 20% of the total item costs in your designated listing currency. Fee amount is converted to your payment account currency at the market rate where your listing and payment account currencies differ.